Monday, February 22, 2010

found my good time

What a great race yesterday. It was a glorious selfish day to myself and i fully appreciated it. The beach was sandy with just a little snow, the crowd was huge and the sun was shining. I had no idea that there were fancy parts of Hampton Beach. The mansions were palatial in size and the grounds were quite like those of manors. I really had no idea. I thought Hampton Beach was all leopard print and half shirts. The run was really lovely. There were 3 other barefoot runners in the crowd, all men but 3 others none the less.
I met so many women and watched so many of them kick asphalt! It was so inspiring and it was certainly good timing for my morale with the olympics in full swing. I used a few key words in the last few miles of the race. I borrowed Leslie's COURAGE, and my STRENGTH, and POWER. I seemed to really have needed them from miles 10 to 13. It just goes to show again and again that training isn't really that necessary. I think i will train for my next race and see if i can really kick it into gear. Do any of you have any training vs non training stories you would like to share? Let me know...and get out there and play and feel proud of yourself.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

game face

Rock it Ladies!! I am in New Hampshire in a hotel on the edge of the ocean waiting to run a half marathon tomorrow morning. I am watching the Olympics, women's super G race and am just amazed by the strength. These women are going for it! Beautiful, strong, and determined. These women embody the feeling that i work towards every day. Playing like girls!
Today i stood beside my daughter, me on my two feet, her on her crutches and was overwhelmed by her strength. We were talking and laughing last night about how she has never really been injured before now and we were laughing about her falls from horses, her broken helmets, her broken tooth the day her teacher mistakenly hit her in the face with a hammer...i suddenly realized i have a kick butt girl fearless and funny and positive. She gives me the strength to believe in myself tonight as i contemplate my race tomorrow.
Tomorrow i rock the five fingers in the half marathon. I will let you know how it feels and if i recommend it. Wish me luck! I will be thinking of you Leslie and your 7 miles, please think of me and my 13!